Do you enjoy your tea at one temperature and coffee at another? Creating a preset will allow you to save your preferred temperature for a variety of different beverages! To proceed, the Ember will need to be paired to the Ember App. Steps to pair the Ember can be found here.
To set a preset temperature:
1. Open to the home page of the Ember App
2. At the bottom of the screen is an "up" arrow, please drag up this arrow to reveal the temperature presets! Each Ember comes with some recommended set temps, but feel free to personalize them to your preferences!
3. To add a preset, please click the "+" in the top left corner. Here you will be able to name the preset and adjust the temperature.
4. Want to change the temperature you have set? Click the edit button in the top right. The presets will begin to wobble. Please select the one you'd like to edit and adjust the temperature. Click the "Check" to save!
5. No longer want a preset? It can be deleted! Click the edit button in the top left. The presets will begin to wobble. Click the "x" in the top right of the preset you wish to delete to delete it.
To go back to the home page, drag the arrow at the top of the screen back down!
Have an iPhone? Check out the presets integrated with Health Kit to track your daily caffeine intake!